About Us


sg.tamilmicset.com is the leading tamil news website in the Singapore and other region with more than 75% market share of online tamil news readers.

Singapore tamil Community one of major community in Singapore with more than 350,000 tamil speaking residents in Singapore, Tamil is the most spoken language among the Indian

80% of our traffic comes from Singapore and 20% from NRIs dominated by USA, Middle-East, UK, Australia, Canada, European Union and India.

Advertising, Sponsorship & Promotions

Tamil MicSet Singapore offer a full range of media packages that help businesses across the
world reach Indian community consumers. We employ reliable industry professionals to deliver the standards, service and results you expect.

We can run a co-branded campaign for you, if you don't have a creative agency, our high skilled professional peoples can work with you to produce adverts in media house. Just share your ideas and let us help you bring them too.

We Offer

Advertising Campaigns carefully planned and targeted to build awareness across our online services.

The ads are placed in the various pages of sgtamilmicset.com.

  • Online Advertisement Banner
  • Affiliated Partnership
  • Sponsored Post
  • Promote Events


To support product and event launches.

For online advertisement requirements, please do email to info@tamilmicset.com